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032: Developing Intuition to Manifest Success

By June 26, 2018February 2nd, 2023One Comment

Woman holding crystal ball intuition psychic

For a lot of people the word intuition can seem very woowoo. It’s more universally accepted when referring to mother’s intuition, but intuition be critical to both career and business success as well.

We’ve touched on intuition before and we’ve talked about listening to our bodies which is part of intuition, but today we’re doing a deep dive so that we can actually know what to look for, what it feels like, what to expect and how to strengthen these skills.

Our guest today, Candice Thomas, is an intuition advisor and psychic medium. Candice was an intuition child but she didn’t really know what to make of her gifts.

She found out the hard way that if you ignore your true calling and live a life that’s not aligned with who you truly are, you lose a whole lot of yourself. But when she finally started to listen to her inner wisdom, her gifts began to strengthen.

The more she developed her psychic abilities, the more she realized that everyone around her was intuitive, even if they didn’t realize it themselves. Now she leads intuitive development workshops to show people how to recognize and trust their own intuition.

Today we will learn:

  1. How to recognize our intuition beyond “trusting our gut”
  2. How to tell the difference between intuition and imagination
  3. An exercise to actively manifest something specific

Learn More About Candice Thomas

Candice Thomas Intuitive

Candice Thomas

Intuitive Advisor and Psychic Medium

Candice Thomas had been an accountant in a federal government agency for over 10 years when her intuitive and mediumship gifts awakened. The experience led her on a path to understand the nature of intuition, Spirit, and soul purpose. Candice created a series of intuitive development workshops to show people how to recognize and trust their intuition.

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