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087: The Entrepreneur Mind with Pat Flynn

By July 16, 2019December 26th, 2022No Comments

Pat Flynn on Entrepreneurship

We live in time of entrepreneurship. Even people with full time jobs are likely to have a side hustle. Today, anyone can start a business if they have the right mindset.

It’s easy to look at influencers and entrepreneurs and assume they got lucky, but the truth is, it takes a lot of work and a lot of passion.
So today we’re going to go deep into the mindset of a highly successful entrepreneur.

Our guest is my friend and mentor Pat Flynn – a beloved thought leader in the areas of online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and lifestyle businesses. He is an entrepreneur, blogger and podcaster best known for his blog and podcast Smart Passive Income, where he conducts income experiments and shares the results.

Pat’s podcast was the very first podcast I got hooked on. What drew me to him was how authentic and genuine he was when he was sharing knowledge.

In fact, he was the person who taught me the ins-and-outs of podcasting AND he was one of the people who helped me gain more clarity around my purpose.

When I think of an entrepreneur, Pat is one of the first people who comes to mind because of how many things he’s got his hands in… from Kickstarter to podcasts to blogs to YouTube… he even started a business on a topic he knew nothing about – food trucks – just to show with the right technique and most importantly, the right mindset, anyone can be successful while building a life they truly love.

Today we will learn:

  • How to decide your next big move
  • How to find people who align with your mission
  • How work life balance is less about balance and more about finding your center

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Learn More About Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn Headshot

Pat Flynn

Entrepreneur, Author and Podcaster

Pat Flynn is a beloved thought leader in the areas of online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and lifestyle businesses. He is routinely celebrated for his transparent leadership style and authentic principles. Pat overcame career adversity at an early age by finding his own path and true passion. Despite his success in business, Pat’s greatest joys are spending time with his family and friends as well as helping inspire and educate others on how to succeed with their own entrepreneurial careers.

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