
Commit to Yourself

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Congratulations! If you’re reading this, that means you’re finally ready to make a change. Be proud of yourself for taking this big first step!

With this decision, you’re setting an intention to gain control of your thought patterns to bring more joy and fulfillment into your life.

Whether you have struggled with negative thought patterns, want to learn to keep a positive mindset, or are wondering where to even start with your self-growth, this 30-day course will give you the framework to build momentum toward lasting positive growth!

This process of setting your intentions declares to yourself, others, and the universe that you are serious about your dreams and goals. With this framework, you are guided toward taking  action toward your intention with energy and power.


Here’s what you can expect from this masterclass:

LESSON 1: Commit to Yourself

LESSON 2: Find Your True Motivation

LESSON 3: Break Through Limiting Beliefs

LESSON 4: Forgive Yourself for the Past

LESSON 5: Know that Your Deserve This

LESSON 6: Empower Yourself


The following three steps will ensure that you start (and finish) this program with a solid foundation:

Step 1: Schedule time

Schedule a time block of 20-30 minutes each day that you commit to this course. But this isn’t a commitment to a checklist or a task. It is a commitment to yourself!

When we don’t schedule our goals, it’s easy for time to slip away from us. We gravitate towards what is comfortable, and next thing you know, it’s the end of the day and you just don’t have the energy to journal.

I recommend setting aside some time in the morning before checking your email or getting on social media. I call the first part of my day my power hour. 

If you can’t set aside time in the morning, figure out what time of day works for you. Just try to stay consistent with whatever time you choose. This is critical for building habits.

When will you take time for “you” each day?


Step 2: Create a peaceful place

Create a spot just for you where you can set aside distractions and get inspired

You don’t need a lot of space. I have a meditation cushion, a small table, my journal and a candle on the floor in the corner of my living room. When I’m in this space, my husband knows it’s “me” time.


Step 3: Make a Commitment

Those who are most successful in making their mental goals a reality make it very clear how and why they are taking these steps. 

So today, the first step is to focus your commitment on the next 7 days. You can do one lesson a day for six days with the seventh to integrate, or you can binge it all at once and make these action steps your focus for the week.

There’s no wrong way to write your commitment. Just write a promise to yourself to commit to keeping an open mind, following through and taking action each day of the program.

Here are some examples to get your mind flowing:


I, ________, am committing to daily actions toward positive change for the good of myself, my loved ones and the universe.

I promise to keep an open mind and take action every day to raise my energy for the good of the world.


Step 4: Create an “Oh sh*t” plan

Create a fallback plan just in case life gets in the way and you absolutely cannot keep your commitment to yourself.

Sometimes when this happens, guilt pops up and we end up avoiding our commitments altogether.

Having an “Oh Sh*t” plan creates a pre-planned action route your mind and body can take, eliminating the stressful decision-making process while your emotions are hanging over you.

Example plans: 

  • I will spend twice as much time the next day. 
  • I will move the routine from morning until evening. 
  • I will bring my journal to my favorite park so I immediately get excited to come back to this life-changing routine.


Actions Recap:

  • Schedule a time you can commit to you each day. Write this down in your journal
  • Create a peaceful place just for you
  • Write down your promise to stay focused and committed to your growth over the next 30-days
  • Create a fallback “Oh Sh*t” plan just in case something comes up!