
Empower Yourself

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“Self-care is how you take your power back.” ~ Lalah Delia

Developing a relationship with yourself starts with self-care.

Self-care is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. It produces positive feelings, gives you confidence and boosts your self-esteem. Self-care is also necessary to remind yourself and others that you and your needs are important too.

The problem is, when we need it the most, we’re usually stressed and have a harder time prioritizing something that we’ve been taught to view as a luxury.

However, if we create a self-care list when we are in a higher vibration, we can access a little piece of our higher selves when we are vibrating at a lower level. Think of it like our higher selves pulling our lower selves up and over a wall.

Some of my self-care non-negotiables are:

  • getting the sleep my body needs (going to bed early and allowing myself to wake up naturally)
  • drinking at least 48 oz. of water per day
  • eating nourishing whole foods… mostly vegetables
  • meditating in my peace nook by my window
  • having the first hour of the day to myself without email or social media
  • moving my body daily
  • keeping a consistent routine

Some of my favorite reward self-care methods are:

  • a candlelit bath
  • a long walk with my favorite podcast or audiobook
  • a matcha latte by the beach
  • an afternoon nap
  • meditating in my peace nook by my window
  • a drive up the PCH with solo car karaoke
  • dark chocolate in moderation
  • a glass of red wine on a patio

When I am stressed out, it feels difficult to take time away for myself. There’s way too much that needs to be done! But those are the times when I need it most.

After a little time away, I can come back to whatever needs to be done feeling refreshed and revived.

Action Recap:

  • List your non-negotiables when it comes to taking care of yourself.
  • List 20 things that make you feel good… some free, some not. That way you can pick what suits your mood when you need it.

Wanna get social? Share your self-care ideas (and take ideas from each other!) in the comments below

Note: Do NOT beat yourself up if these things don’t become routine right away. This list is what you’re working toward. Make one small change and build upon it. Don’t worry about how long it takes to become a habit, but do push yourself to improve regularly.