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393: The 4 Lies That Steal Your Potential and How to Build Audacity Instead with Anne Marie Anderson

By March 17, 2025No Comments

Have you ever felt like you’re waiting for permission to live the life you actually want? Like there’s some invisible checklist you have to complete before you’re allowed to take up space, speak up, or go after the things that call to you?

Most people don’t think of themselves as risk-averse. They tell themselves they’re just being responsible. That they’ll make the move when they’re more qualified, more ready, more financially stable. But that moment of being ready never actually arrives. And in the meantime, someone else—someone with less experience, less talent, and fewer credentials—is already out there doing the thing you keep putting off.

I see this all the time. People with big ideas who stay stuck in research mode. People who wait until they’re 100% confident before they make a move, as if confidence just magically appears before action, instead of being something you build through action.

So let me ask you—where are you holding back? What opportunities are you watching pass you by while you tell yourself someday? And what if waiting was actually the bigger risk?

Today our guest is Anne Marie Anderson. She’s an award-winning sports broadcaster and keynote speaker who built her career by making bold, audacious choices—even when they scared the hell out of her. When a tragic event early in her career forced her to confront how quickly life can change, she decided she was done waiting. And she’s here to help you stop waiting too.

We Will Learn

  • The four biggest barriers that keep people stuck—and how to move past them
  • How to cultivate everyday audacity, even if you don’t think of yourself as a risk-taker
  • The surprising way to reframe fear so it stops running the show


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