ExclusiveMindsetPodcast August 13, 2021 X51: Building a Spiritual Business with Colby Rebel Have you ever felt guilt over charging for a service you provide? It tends to… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
MindsetPodcast August 10, 2021 194: The Power of Your Baby’s Astrology Birth Chart Have you ever thought about having a birth chart reading? A birth chart explains where… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
ExclusiveMindsetPodcast August 6, 2021 X50: The Missing Piece in Manifesting Have you ever felt “growing pains” during your personal growth journey? Don’t be discouraged. This… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
HealthMind Body SoulPodcast August 3, 2021 193: Nature Deficit Disorder and Foraging Your Own Wild Remedies We are living in the age of technology. They say technology has advanced more in… Melissa Monte 0 Love6
HappinessMindfulnessMindsetPodcast July 27, 2021 192: Mastermind with the Four Characters of Your Brain What if I told you that inside your brain you basically have four completely different… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
ExclusiveHappinessMindfulnessMindsetPodcast July 23, 2021 X49: The Magic of Surrender with Kute Blackson What does the word “surrender” mean to you? Or better yet, how does the word… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
MindsetPodcast July 20, 2021 191: 10 Unique Strengths of a Woman’s Brain Even in 2021 there are a lot of myths that pervade regarding the way women… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
HealthMind Body SoulPodcast July 13, 2021 190: Help People Heal through Caring Conversations Conversation can be deeply healing, for everyone involved. Sometimes even talking with people about THEIR… Melissa Monte 0 Love6
HappinessMindfulnessMindsetPodcast July 6, 2021 189: Transcending Human Drama We study, we meditate, we try to hold a higher perspective of our experience on… Melissa Monte 0 Love5
HappinessMindfulnessMindsetPodcast June 29, 2021 188: Healthy Boundaries for Codependent Relationships Have you ever struggled to set boundaries for yourself? Have you ever set boundaries for… Melissa Monte 1 Love5