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X12: Cancel Culture and Trigger Warnings

By September 4, 2020February 3rd, 2023No Comments

This episode is one big trigger warning. We talk about the things that people are scared to talk about, or that people are currently being shamed to talk about or even ask questions about.

So prepare to potentially be triggered… in a good way!

Avoiding your triggers limits your experience. It puts you in an echo chamber of confirmation bias, and and it builds the self belief that you can’t handle being exposed to people, thoughts or opinions that are not your own.

It’s important to share alternative ways to handle our differences and our disagreements. I think it’s important to highlight the real repercussions of shutting people down for not adhering to one way of thinking.

Our guest is Imari. He is a life coach and keynote speaker, he takes abstract ideas and transformational concepts and delivers them in a tangible way that allows the people he works with to rewire their minds, literally changing their reality from the inside out.

Neither of us claim to have it all figured out, but I think it’s really hard to figure anything out if you’re afraid to ask questions and get vulnerable and have open dialogues.

We will learn:

  • How to transform trauma and victim mentality
  • How and why to face our triggers
  • How cancel culture dehumanizes us

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