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X73: Changing Your Mind and Failing Forward with Bridget Phetasy

By March 11, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

If you’ve been listening to Mind Love for a while, you’ve heard plenty of stories of how people have found their purpose and have made their mess their message.

This can be super inspiring because it can give you a framework to follow if you know the value you want to give to the world. But it can also be a little discouraging if you’re not so clear on what your purpose is. Because so many stories of bringing your goals to life include having a clear intention and a detailed visualization of who you want to be and what you want to do.

The good news is, your guidance is in the present moment. Your intuition is in the present moment.

There’s not just one way to find yourself right in the middle of your dream. You don’t have to have it all figured out for the universe to work its magic. It has a funny way of pushing you toward the path you were meant to be on.

So today we’re talking to someone who didn’t have it all figured out. She had too many dreams and wanted to do too many things.

And yet, by being totally herself and sharing her voice with the world, she’s found herself exactly where she’s supposed to be, doing exactly what she’s supposed to be doing.

Our guest today is Bridget Phetasy. She’s a comedian, a brilliant writer and, unexpectedly, a political commentator. She’s been interviewed by some big names, including Joe Rogan on 3 different occasions over the last few years.

We Will Learn

  • The dangers of running from our shame
  • How to push through resistance
  • How to gracefully change your mind or your beliefs


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