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X22: Deep Listening Skills for Deeper Connections and Challenging Conversations

By November 24, 2020February 3rd, 2023No Comments

We are more connected than we’ve ever been, but for some reason, we’re more divided than we’ve ever been. There’s also more people on earth than there’s ever been before, but somehow, we’re lonelier than we’ve ever been.

How do we come back to connection? What are we missing?

I think we’re all so busy broadcasting our opinions and perfectly curating our images online that we don’t really get to know people or let people get to know us… and I mean the real us, not the Instagram versions of us.

But here’s the thing… just like with everything else in life, that change starts with you. And me.

I can’t expect people to be interested in the real me if I don’t seem genuinely interested in the real them.

And in order to be genuinely interested in them. I have to listen. Like really listen. To their words, to their body language and to the underlying messages beneath their words.

To be the kind of listeners that cultivate deep and meaningful connections, we have to know how right?

So that’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Terri Lonowski, She has a Masters in educational psychology, and she’s the founder of Soulful Listening.

Through her own loneliness journey, she began to study what it meant to really deeply listen and why this skill is so fundamental to every human. She found that through 5 easy repeatable steps we could ease feelings of loneliness, create fulfilling connections, and begin to break free from our own limitations.

We will learn:

  • What does it mean to really hear someone or be deeply heard
  • 5 Simple steps to increase high quality communication and create deeper, meaningful connections
  • How to use social media to connect on a deeper level

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