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ExclusiveHealthMind Body SoulPodcast

X94: Indigenous Wisdom for Finding Your Inner Medicine with Asha Frost

By August 12, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

What if I told you that everything is medicine?

This is a common saying among the most ancient civilizations of the Earth, including indigenous people. So what does it mean? How can everything be medicine?

We tend to think of medicine as pharmaceuticals. Even the dictionary defines medicine as a “compound” or preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease, especially a drug or drugs taken by mouth. Really? Thanks for the knowledge big Pharma.

In reality medicine has been practiced since prehistoric times and it was more like an art form of knowledge and skill. A medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing.

But what if we expand our view of medicine even further.

What if we chose to see that everything is medicine. Everything in life is helping us to grow, evolve and expand in love. Everything is leading to our evolution. Our most difficult experiences are actually a gift.

So today we’re talking about how you can recognize the gift of these experiences and how to move into a different state of being.

Our guest is Asha Frost. She is an Indigenous Medicine Woman and a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. She is the best selling author of You are the Medicine, and has guided thousands of people through profound and lasting transformation.

We Will Learn

  • How to call upon your animal spirits.
  • How legends and stories can connect us with our nature.
  • Why we’ve lost the sacred and how to bring it back.


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