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X69: Recognizing and Changing Karmic Relationships and Spiritual Patterns with Tracee Dunblazier

By February 4, 2022December 27th, 2022No Comments

Karma’s a bitch. I used to use that phrase all the time when I was younger.

The funny thing about that phrase is, by the nature of karma, wouldn’t it only be a bitch if you were first the bitch?

Here’s how I understand it now. Yes what you put out comes back to you, AND your soul came here for specific lessons so karma can also appear in your life through spiritual patterns or imprints that guide you throughout your life, IF you allow them to.

Most people go through life just thinking bad things happen to good people without ever really challenging that idea.

Challenging an idea doesn’t mean just negating it, it’s more about bringing more awareness to an idea in order to find the deeper meaning behind it.

You can look at this like bad things happen to good people because the universe is completely random and that’s how the cards fell.

OR you can look at it like bad things happen to good people in order to strengthen them and guide them toward their highest purpose. Because the universe is not random, everything is connected and it’s all part of the divine design.

Whichever perspective you choose to take, I can almost guarantee you that your life will reflect that belief.

So today we’re learning all about karmic relationships. And when I say karmic relationships, it’s not just about people. It’s about how you relate to food, money, family, culture, religion, sex, death, and your environment. You will understand what karma is and learn all the ways to reveal, accept, forgive, and transform your connections in every dimension.

Our guest is Tracee Dunblazier, Los Angeles-based spiritual empath, shaman, and 20-time national award-winning author.

We Will Learn

  • How to recognize your karmic relationships and spiritual patterns and how to use them to your benefit or change what no longer serves you
  • How to experience a quantum shift by starting at the lowest common denominator
  • How to accept others as they are, release shame, and find tolerance


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