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X71: Quick Actionable Tips for Empaths with Dr. Judith Orloff

By February 18, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

Being an empath can sometimes feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, or maybe even in your body.

I’ve known that I’m an empath for a few years now. And just understanding that about myself has been life changing.

Once I had the information that I was an empath, I was able to detach from the emotions a bit, but I still had to learn to manage my sensitivities so I wasn’t dragged into the emotional storm of anyone I came into contact with.

The hard part is, when you’re in that emotional storm, it can be really hard to detach, because you’re already feeling it.

Thankfully, there are tools that can help. And those tools are what we’re pulling out in this episode.

Our guest is Dr. Judith Orloff. She has been on the show before. She’s basically the go-to-source for empaths. She wrote The Empath Survival Guide among others and she now has a new deck of quick actionable cards to pull for empaths.

We Will Learn

  • How to be a comfort to yourself
  • How water affects empaths
  • What the “cosmic wink” is and how we recognize it


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