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X09: Working Through ADD & ADHD

By August 7, 2020February 2nd, 2023No Comments

Did you know that 11% of school aged kids and 19% of high school age boys have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD?

It hasn’t alway been this way, in fact the numbers nearly doubled from the late nineties to the late 2000s.

We do live in an over-diagnosed society, but at the same time, the world we live in breeds distraction.

I have a history of ADD, and after growing tired of being anchored to a legal methamphetamine, I decided to take it on holistically.

My diet, my habits, my self beliefs, my intention, and, maybe most importantly, getting really clear about my why have made more of a difference that medication ever did.

So today we’re going to be having a discussion on ADD and how to cope, you know just two adult ADD kids figuring shit out.

Our guest is Eli Weinstein. He’s a Social Work therapist who has gone through his own struggles with anxiety, ADHD, and men’s issues (being a new dad, body image issues, relationships, and general self-esteem/confidence) and he has firsthand experience leading children through this journey.

We will learn:

  • How to let go, to stop trying so hard and be ok with who you are
  • Subtle ways to control tendencies
  • How to see your limitations as guidance toward a new way of being

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