
Break Through Your Limiting Beliefs

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Your Limiting Beliefs Keep You Stuck

A limiting belief is something you believe to be true about yourself, about others or about the world that limits you in some way. They are the root cause of feeling stuck or not living up to your full potential. 

Identifying our limiting beliefs is also a great way to bring awareness to whatever “labels” we are attaching ourselves to, because it’s often our labels that get in the way of making a change.

Remember, we see the world not as it is but as we are. Most of us see through the eyes of our fears and our limiting beliefs and our false assumptions. ~ Robin S. Sharma

Today, we’re going to identify your limiting beliefs. When we name what’s holding us back, it loses its power but also prepares us for when it shows up again. We can wrap it up and send it packing with a simple, “oh, it’s just that negative thought pattern again.”

Write down whatever limiting beliefs you have about yourself.

  • I lack motivation.
  • I procrastinate too much.
  • I don’t have time.
  • I don’t have enough resources.
  • It’s too late to change.
  • I have too many responsibilities.
  • I have no clue who I am.
  • I have no clue where to start.

 challenge you to carry a notebook for one full day and identify any limiting beliefs that arise.

When I first did this exercise, a few limiting beliefs immediately came to the front of my mind. But throughout my day, as I was going through my usual routines and daily activities, more limiting beliefs came up that I didn’t identify right off the bat. These were more deeply rooted. more in the subconscious. But these turned out to be the most important for me to bring awareness to.

Next, cross out each limiting belief and replace it with something empowering.

  • I stay motivated on my goals that give my life meaning and purpose.
  • I always get my priorities done on time.
  • I manage my time based on what’s most important to me.
  • I have everything I need and I know the universe will support me in abundance.

I highly recommend setting aside the keyboard and your phone, and doing this exercise old-school, with a pen and paper. Read about the powerful brain-enhancing benefits of writing by hand here.

Action Recap:

  • Write down any limiting beliefs that come up.
  • BONUS: Carry a notebook or this journal sheet and continue the exercise throughout the day.
  • Cross out the limiting belief and replace it with something empowering.