
Forgive Yourself For Your Past

We can’t move on from the past without forgiveness.

When we think of forgiveness, we often think of other people we need to grant forgiveness to. But because everything starts with yourself, self-forgiveness is the first step.

We can’t give what we don’t have, and we can only love others as much as we love ourselves. Once we begin to soften our hearts to the things we’re holding onto, we can let go of blame, shame and guilt that are holding us back from joy in the present moment.

Besides, you deserve forgiveness!

As Brene Brown said, “…sometimes when we are beating ourselves up, we need to stop and say to that harassing voice inside, ‘Man, I’m doing the very best I can right now.’”

Repeat after me: “Today I choose to let go of my past mistakes. I am worthy of moving into my future without the baggage I’ve been holding onto.”

Ok. Now you’re ready. Let’s do this.

Today you’re going to write a letter of forgiveness to yourself. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • Is there something you’re holding onto?
  • What regrets or past actions are hard to shake off?
  • Have you been treating yourself and your body well?
  • Do you live by the philosophy that you are just as important as everyone else?

Action Recap:

  • Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself


  • Meditate on the things you forgave yourself for.
  • Visualize releasing each thing.
  • Feel yourself becoming lighter as you watch each one float further from you.