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HealthMind Body SoulMind SciencePodcast

258: Actionable Ways to Keep Your Brain Young and Healthy with Marc Milstein

By October 28, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

How old is your brain? What if I told you that answer doesn’t necessarily correlate with your actual age?

Turns out, our brains have their own aging process. Kind of like our skin. We’ve all seen people who look 40 when they’re 70 or they look 70 when they’re 40. We’ve heard of people whose hearts are youthful even though they’re well into retirement. Or their bodies are strong and vibrant when most people their age need assistance with walking.

So basically, age really is just a number when it comes to the whole. But the aging of our individual parts can make a huge impact on what’s possible for us.

But here’s the good news. There are actually a ton of things you can do to greatly decrease your risk of mental aging: dementia, Alzheimer’s, mental illness, all of it.

The problem is, we’re conditioned to want a quick fix. An Instagram ad for a brain supplement or an ad for a brain training app. Just 5 minutes a day to a younger brain! Yeah, spoiler: those don’t work.

So what can you do?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Dr. Marc Milstein. He specializes in taking the leading scientific research on health and happiness and using it to empower people to live better. He provides science-based solutions to keep the brain healthy, lower the risk of dementia, boost productivity and maximize longevity. His book “The Age-Proof Brain” was just published on October 25th.

We Will Learn

  • Some questions we can ask ourselves to help get a sense of our brain age.
  • The surprising and often overlooked factors that age the brain.
  • 11 key factors to preserving and enhancing brain health.


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