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114: How to Beat Depression and Anxiety

By January 21, 2020February 2nd, 2023No Comments

It’s estimated that 7% of adults has had at least one major depressive episode in a given year. That over 16 million people!
Jim Carrey said, “Depression is your body saying, ‘I don’t want to be this character anymore.’” Depression is most common in people between the ages 18 to 25, which, if you think about it is about the prime time for finding yourself and having no idea where to start. It make sense that a big part of depression has to do with identity.
Our guest today is Kevin Gilliland, an expert in mental health, depression and addiction. He’s worked more than two decades in healthcare as a clinical psychologist, and he’s pioneer of outpatient treatment as the CEO and Executive Director of Innovation 360, which is a treatment center for alcohol & drug addiction, depression, anxiety, and bipolar.

We will learn:

  • Why depression and anxiety are often linked
  • How to start moving out of depression
  • How to help loved ones who are depressed

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How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety with Mind Love Podcast

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