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214: Bite-Sized Ways to Transform Your Life with Linda Bonnar

By December 28, 2021February 2nd, 2023No Comments

Have you ever come across someone who just seemed to have it all? They seemed genuinely happy, they were working toward something that brought them joy, they just had their shit together.

And then you came back to yourself and thought, “Wow, do I have a lot of work to do.”

Sure, that person may just seem effortlessly golden on the outside and maybe behind closed doors their life is completely falling apart.

Or maybe, they have issues just like the rest of us, but they actually do have their shit together.

Growth is just about having the right tools for when the issues come up. And if you’re like me, you might need a lot of them.

But the more I turn to these tools instead of some coping mechanism, the more they become my default.

So today we’re going to learn a bunch of tools for your toolbox. This episode is going to be a little different and a lot of fun so I know it’s going to be really helpful.

Our guest is Linda Bonnar, Coach, Author, Trainer, and Educational Wellbeing Consultant.

We Will Learn

  • 6 game-changing productivity tips
  • The most powerful questions to ask yourself
  • How small changes to your language affect your mind


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