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374: How to Build Relationships That Actually Fill You Up with Sah D’Simone

By November 11, 2024No Comments

Have you ever noticed how loneliness shows up differently as we move through life? Maybe in your twenties it hit you at 4 AM when you realized your party crew wasn’t really there for you. Or maybe it’s hitting you now, in your thirties or forties, when you’re staring at your phone wondering when making friends got so damn complicated.

Here’s what nobody tells you about growing up: connection gets trickier. Maybe you’re married with kids, and your idea of social life is trading war stories with other parents at pickup. Or you’re single, watching your friends disappear into their domestic lives while you’re still trying to figure out where to meet people who aren’t swiping right. Or you’ve got that high-powered career you worked so hard for, but somewhere between the promotion and the corner office, your friendships started feeling like another item on your to-do list.

The science behind this is fascinating. Research shows that our social connections peak in our mid-twenties, then start declining steadily. By our mid-thirties, many of us have less than half the social connections we had a decade earlier. But here’s the thing – our need for genuine connection doesn’t decrease. If anything, it gets stronger.

Today our guest is Sah D’Simone, a spiritual teacher who understands this evolution of connection. After his own journey from surface-level relationships to creating deep, meaningful bonds at every stage of life, he now guides others through the complex landscape of modern connection.

We Will Learn

  • How to build authentic relationships that fit your current life stage (no time machine required)
  • The difference between being connected and feeling connected (they’re not the same thing)
  • Practical ways to deepen relationships and create new ones, no matter how busy or complicated your life is


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