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HealthMind Body SoulPodcast

050: Chakras and Modern Witchy Things for Halloween

By October 30, 2018February 2nd, 2023One Comment

Athena Perrakis of Sage Goddess on Chakras

The chakras are your energy centers. The entire universe is made up of energy and as you scale things down its almost as though you have a smaller universe within you.

In a healthy, balanced person, the 7 chakras provide exactly the right amount of energy to every part of your body, mind and spirit.

But, if one of your chakras is too open and spinning too quickly, or if it is too closed and moving slowly, both your physical and mental health can suffer.

By learning about the 7 chakras, you can start to heal physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances. And you can become more in tune with the natural energy cycles of your body

It’s like the spiritual science they don’t teach you in schools.

Did you know you can even tell if people have a chakra imbalance by their posture and the way they hold their bodies?

I’m so excited about this episode because this is the most fun I’ve ever had learning about chakras.

Today our guest is Dr. Athena Perrakis. She is the Founder and SEO of Sage Goddess, the world’s largest source of sacred tools and metaphysical education. Each week, Sage Goddess reaches millions of people across the globe. Her metaphysical experience spans more than 30 years and she’s an expert in gemology, astrology, Tarot, aromatherapy, Reiki, and herbal medicine.

Today we will learn:

  • All about the 7 chakras in a way that’s practical and helpful for real life
  • How our chakras become imbalanced and how to heal them
  • Witchy things to maximize the energetic power of Halloween

Learn More About Dr. Athena Perrakis

Athena Perrakis of Sage Goddess

Dr. Athena Perrakis

Founder of Sage Goddess

Dr. Athena Perrakis is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sage Goddess, the world’s largest source of sacred tools and metaphysical education. Each week, Sage Goddess reaches almost two million people across the globe, on every continent and in more than 60 countries. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in educational leadership, and has 15 years of experience as a professor, corporate trainer and consultant, and educator. Athena has traveled the globe and worked with CEOs and senior executives from the Fortune 50 companies. But her metaphysical experience, in which her current work is largely rooted, spans more than 30 years. During that time, she has become an expert in gemology, astrology, Tarot, aromatherapy, Reiki, and herbal medicine. Her Etsy shop was the first online metaphysical storefront to reach the Top 10 stores in the handmade category around the world. Today, there are more than 3000 products available through SageGoddess.com – everything from essential oils and ritual perfumes to candles, jewelry, gemstones in every form, home decor, clothing, body art and temporary tattoos, canvas art, and more.


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