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X66: Embracing Spirituality from a 9/11 Survivor with Kushal Choksi

By December 10, 2021February 3rd, 2023No Comments

Have you ever gone through something that changed your entire life? I think we all have actually, whether we know it or not. But sometimes something happens and in that moment we know that nothing will ever be the same.

We don’t remember most of our lives. We remember key moments that, for whatever reason, had an impact on us. And we tend to remember where we were for big events, such as the events of September 11, 2001.

Today’s guest remembers right where he was also, because he was actually on the bottom floor of the first tower that collapsed.

A moment like this can make or break us. Either the pain is too much, so we use whatever we can to escape, like addiction, isolation, depression or even suicide. Or the pain is too much, so we use it as a catalyst to make positive changes that lead to a life even better than where we started.

It’s always a choice. Whether or not it feels like it, it’s always a choice.

But I also know that when you’re in the darkness, it’s hard to find your way to the light. So today we’re talking to someone who found his way.

Our guest is Kushal Choksi who narrowly escaped the attacks of 9/11 and used his experience to find meaning and design his life around the quest for peace.

We Will Learn

  • How experiencing trauma and tragedy can make you more receptive to new spiritual paths
  • How meditation helps stay resilient in the face of challenges
  • How to allow for the possibility of a spiritual awakening, even if you’re a complete skeptic


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