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Mind Body SoulPodcast

305 • The Art of Expression: How to Recognize, Accept, and Validate Your Emotions with Chelsea Harvey Garner

By July 18, 2023No Comments

Have you ever been told to “just be strong” or “chin up” when you were feeling down?  I know I have. And it’s kind of weird right?

Like there’s a secret rule that says we’re supposed to just flip off our emotions after a while.

The problem is, our culture has so deeply embedded an almost toxic emotional strength that we find it nearly impossible to open our hearts and embrace our feelings.

So how do we bridge that gap?

Today we’re talking about how to create a safe space for our emotions and uncover the strength within the willingness to be truly and beautifully human.

Our guest is Chelsea Harvey Garner, a psychotherapist, writer, and founding director of Big Feels Lab, a nonprofit promoting collective mental health. She specializes in working with trauma survivors, self-identified misfits, and unconventional families. In both her creative and therapeutic work, she helps clients turn their pain into purpose and find true belonging with themselves and each other. Her latest book is “A Pity Party is Still a Party: A Feel Good Guide to Feeling Bad.”

We Will Learn

  • How to recognize a shame spiral and how can we get out of it
  • The benefits of expanding our emotional vocabulary
  • Why we should let emotions cloud our thinking


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