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219: Friendship in the Age of Loneliness with Smiley Poswolsky

By March 1, 2022February 3rd, 2023No Comments

I’ve had a lot of phases in my life, and the friends that move through those with me are rare.

I have a feeling you can relate. You’re listening to this show so you are probably the type of person that works on themselves.

For me, even that can be lonely. With some friends, the more I evolve from the person I was when we met, the more friction that seems to happen between me and those I’m outgrowing.

And it makes sense. People want to hold onto the version of you they are familiar with. So they can get fearful when they feel you pulling away.

So there’s all these reasons and milestones and situations that make friendships even more difficult to keep, but how do we create connections that are lasting, and most importantly fulfilling?

Today we’re going to talk about practical habits and playful reminders on how to create meaningful connections, make new friends, and deepen relationships.

Our guest is Smiley Poswolsky. He is a workplace belonging expert, motivational speaker, and author of a few books including Friendship in the Age of Loneliness.

We Will Learn

  • Why being more playful is one of the best ways to help your friendships
  • How to be a better friend
  • How to invest in new friendships


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