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218: The Power of Grounding and Neutral Energy Fields with Victoria Whitfield

By February 22, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

Our minds are powerful creators, whether we like it or not. Our minds can create anything, but without conscious management of it, it can also create a lot of problems.

Every problem we have is in the mind. Yeah I know, there’s a lot of screwed up things in the world, but ever notice how two people can be living with the same circumstances but it’s only a problem for one of them?

That’s because it’s not the circumstances that’s the problem, it’s our thoughts about it that create the problems.

Our thoughts create the anxiety, the dread, the fear, the worry, the guilt, the hopelessness, the despair. And if it is our thoughts creating all these negative emotions, they can certainly also create the full range of positive emotions.

Today we’re talking about how to ground our thoughts and harness their power to create a life experience we truly love.

Our guest is Victoria Whitfield. She is a Sensei, a published author, a successful six-figure energy healer, and has toured the world showing heart-centered and growth-minded leaders how to get connected to their Natural Intuition and truly be Visionary, so they can work less and increase their impact.

We Will Learn

  • How to stop being an emotional sponge
  • Reframing your feelings of being too much or not enough
  • The science of grounding


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