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026: Healing Past Wounds

By May 15, 2018February 2nd, 2023No Comments

026 - Healing Past Wounds

In today’s world with so much going on many are energetically exhausted.  We are stuck in a negative loop re-playing old stories over and over again. But we have to unwind our old stories so we can create new ones.

A lot of us have been telling these old stories about ourselves and reliving these past stories so often that the idea of being able to release it that quickly seems impossible.

Today we talk to Shaman Isabella Stoloff about the ways we lose our light, a few simple exercises to reclaim our light and how to look for signs from the universe that we’re on the right path. We’ll also lose way to guard our energy from outside influence.

Today we will learn:

  1. How we lose our light
  2. How to reclaim our light through soul retrieval
  3. Signs from the universe that we’re on the right path

Learn More About Isabella Stoloff

Isabella Stoloff

Isabella Stoloff

Shaman & Energy Healer

Isabella Stoloff is the founder Orange County Healing Center helps people to reconnect with the light that is within all of us. She believes in self-empowerment through positive thought and actions. She travels the world, teaching others how to connect with their inner wisdom and leads spiritual retreats to sacred sites all over the world.

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