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X82: The Healing Power of Silence with Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn

By May 20, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

How often do you sit in silence?

In the world we live in, silence is hard to come by.

For the first time in history, we actually have personal devices that go everywhere we do, so we can be reached through phone calls, email, text messages, social notifications… and when those are dinging for our attention, most of us have a compulsive habit of picking up the phone and finding something that needs our attention.

But the ability to discern your inner voice between your programming comes from spending time alone without all the noise. Without everyone’s opinions. Without the news or your friends telling you what to care about.

And if the silence can help you know yourself better, what other treasures does it hold?

That’s what we’re talking about today, the golden power of silence.

Our guests are Justin Zorn and Leigh Marz. Justin Zorn is an author and policymaker, who has served as both a strategist and a meditation teacher in the US Congress. Leigh Marz is a leadership coach and collaboration consultant specializing in working with scientists, engineers, and creatives.

We Will Learn

  • The science of why silence is essential for our bodies and minds
  • Why virtually all the world’s spiritual traditions honor silence as a path to truth
  • Practical approaches to finding “little moments” of silence as well as deeper immersion


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