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254: How to Help a Loved One Through Addiction and Recovery with Alison Jones Webb

By October 14, 2022February 3rd, 2023No Comments

Sometimes I wonder, what’s harder… Struggling with addiction, or watching someone you love struggle and feeling totally helpless?

What’s difficult, even as someone who went through the depths of it, is figuring out what even worked for me.

I know which practices helped, I know what I had to do to create a supportive environment, I know what I still have to do to maintain my sanity, I know what circumstances led to me finally making a change, but what I’m not sure of is what anyone could have done to get me there faster.

And maybe we can’t speed up someone’s lessons. Maybe that’s not how it works. But what’s trickier is that often the things we do to try to help, actually make the problem worse.

So instead of speeding up recovery, we could even slow it down.

So what do we do? How can we help a loved one both before they’re ready to help themselves, and then when they’re starting to see a better way?

That’s what we’re talking about today. Our guest is Alison Jones Webb. She’s a recovery ally, advocate, author, and seasoned public health specialist. She’s the author of Recovery Allies: How to Support Addiction Recovery and Build Recovery Friendly Communities.

We Will Learn

  • How a history of trauma affects recovery.
  • How allies can reduce the shame and stigma that can prevent people with substance use disorder from asking for help.
  • How to support your loved ones with the 4 pillars of recovery.


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