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Mind Body SoulMind ScienceMindsetPodcast

247: Accessing the Hidden Potential of the Unconscious Mind through Ancient Magic with Daniel Lieberman

By September 13, 2022February 3rd, 2023No Comments

What if we could learn to recognize how our unconscious influences us so that it actually helps us become who we were meant to be? And what if the key to doing that isn’t through modern science, but through ancient legends and fairy tales?

Sounds a little crazy, but think about it.

If you’re into holistic health, you probably know the power of the wisdom that our ancestors held. It seems we’re just now relearning all these practices that were written off as snake oil a century ago.

Most of us grew up learning fairy tales. But the ones we inherited were all about needing a man’s kiss to come back to life or to be able to speak and find our voices.

But the legends and fairy tales our ancestors told were different. They held deep truths about life and the inner worlds of our psyches.

So knowing this, what wisdom do those stories hold? If we look at them as more than just a fairy tale, but as something that carries truth about ourselves and the world we live in, what can we learn?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Daniel Lieberman. Daniel is a clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at George Washington University. He studied the Great Books at St. John’s College and attended medical school at New York University. He is the co-author of the international bestseller “The Molecule of More” and now “Spellbound: Modern Science, Ancient Magic, and the Hidden Potential of the Unconscious Mind.”

We Will Learn

  • The ordinary influences of the unconscious mind.
  • How to align the goals of the unconscious with the goals of the ego.
  • How the integration of science and myths lead to transcendence.


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