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X77: How to Open Yourself to Channeling with Tyler Ellison

By April 15, 2022February 3rd, 20232 Comments

What if there was a way to access truth on demand, without research or schooling or reaching outside of yourself at all?

What if I told you there is? There are new discoveries in physics that shed light on this topic.

One discovery is that there is a field of energy that connects all of creation.

Another discovery is that the field plays the role of a container, a bridge, and a mirror for the beliefs within us. Meaning our beliefs shape what we’re able to see. We project those beliefs and create a reality that confirms them.

One thing every channeler I’ve interviewed seems to agree on is that there are things you can do to access this field of energy.

So today we’re talking about opening ourselves up to channeling. Our guest is Tyler Ellison. He is a Licensed Acupuncturist, a Ceremonial Magician, a Tao Alchemist, and a Cosmic Channel for the Sassani Being Ryok.

We Will Learn

  • How to identify subtle energy blocks.
  • How to open up and circulate the energy channels in your body.
  • How to charge your organs to become a vessel for bliss and positivity.


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