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211: Managing Indulgence, Addiction and Dopamine Dependence with Anne Lembke

By December 6, 2021February 3rd, 2023No Comments

Have you ever struggled with an addiction?

You’ve probably heard that some people are just born with the gene that makes them more susceptible to becoming addicted to things.

Maybe you identify with that susceptibility, or maybe you think you’re immune to addiction. But the truth is really none of us are.

The survival mechanisms in our brains make it a risk for anyone.

Yes some people tend to fall deeper and harder into it, and this can be from a number of factors, including childhood trauma or other environmental factors… but still… addiction doesn’t really discriminate.

And now, our technology is exploiting the very reward centers in our brain that tend to lead to addiction. So we’re all just a little bit closer to it than we’d like to admit to ourselves.

So in a world of indulgence and over-consumption, how do we avoid or get ourselves out of the cycle of destruction that comes with addiction?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Anna Lembke, professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine, chief of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic, and author of “Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence”.

We Will Learn

  • Why we are all so prone to addiction
  • How we are losing the ability to tolerate even minor discomfort
  • How to fix our pleasure pain balance


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