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221: Letting Go of What Could Have Been with Child Star Josh Peck

By March 15, 2022February 2nd, 2023No Comments

Do you ever wonder what could have been? If you hadn’t made that mistake, if your dad hadn’t left, if you hadn’t self sabotaged, if you hadn’t broken up, if you hadn’t been injured…

The more we obsess about idealized versions of our lives, the more it becomes what “would have been” or what “should have been”, because we’re so sure that just one little pivot would have led us right to this picture perfect life.

We make around 35,000 little choices a day – about a billion over the course of our lives.

You literally have a billion decisions to make and somehow we are able to magically pinpoint the ONE that has screwed everything up?

But I get it, it’s hard to get to that place of acceptance, where you see the beautiful garden that is your life, especially when you’re still in the weeds.

So how do you trust that everything is working out for your highest good when you feel like shit?

That’s what we’re talking about today, among other things.

Our guest is Josh Peck. You may recognize him from a Nickelodeon phenomenon in the early 2000s called Josh and Drake. He’s also been in movies such as Mean Creek, The Wackness, Red Dawn, Dany Collins, Take the 10 and Netflix’s The Musical. And he’s about to be on a new Hulu series called How I met Your Father.

We Will Learn

  • How viewing your trauma as unique holds you back from healing
  • What it means to find your apostles
  • How to let go of the imaginary and find value in your path


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