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289: Mind Your Boundaries, Stop People Pleasing, and Find Joy in Saying No with Natalie Lue

By March 28, 2023No Comments

We all have a desire for approval and validation. We all want to fit in and belong, but the problem is, if we’re so focused on pleasing other people, we can lose touch with ourselves.

And, if you’re anything like I was, you might even start to confuse your own needs with that drive for acceptance and validation.

So, as always, the first step is awareness. How do we identify our people-pleasing behaviors so we can start living from the inside out, instead of the other way around?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Natalie Lue. She is a writer, speaker, podcaster, artist, and founder of one of the longest-running self-help blogs in the world, Baggage Reclaim (www.baggagereclaim.com), and The Baggage Reclaim Sessions podcast. She helps people understand how their emotional baggage is interfering with their ability to live their lives happily and authentically. She’s also the author of “The Joy of Saying No: A Simple Plan to Stop People Pleasing, Reclaim Boundaries, and Say Yes to the Life You Want.”

We Will Learn

  • The difference between wanting to do things for others and people-pleasing.
  • The 5 types of people pleasing and how to identify which type you fall into.
  • 6 steps for finding joy in saying no.


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