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293: How Your Mindset Around Finding Love is Keeping You From Receiving It with Humble The Poet

By April 25, 2023April 28th, 2023No Comments

Did you know that nearly 50% of adults are single? You might be thinking, yeah, so what… more people are realizing they don’t need a partner to find happiness. But there have been quite a few studies and surveys on this that show that anywhere from 65-80% of singles are actively looking for a relationship.

So why is it so hard? Is the dating pool just that bad? If all these people are looking for a partner, why is it that so many can’t seem to find a match?

As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “If you want to find your dream partner, write down all their qualities, and become them.”

So if we want more love in our lives, we have to start loving more first. And that’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Humble the Poet. He is a Canadian-born rapper, spoken-word artist, poet, internationally bestselling author, and former elementary school teacher. What began as reciting spoken word poetry in coffee shops to impress girls evolved into a creative adventure that has spanned the last 10 years, crossing genres, mediums, and oceans. He has millions of followers across social platforms, and several of his books have become international bestsellers. His newest book is called “How to Be Loved.”

We Will Learn

  • How attachment to ego keeps us from experiencing love.
  • Why we need to sit with our pain to experience love.
  • Pathways and access points to love that don’t involve other people.


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