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Mind SciencePodcast

329: The Invisible Burden of Overthinking: Its Impact on Self-Worth and How to Honor Your Feelings with Julia DiGangi

By January 2, 2024No Comments

Do you ever catch yourself in a cycle of overthinking and over-analyzing your every move, every word, and every decision until it exhausts you?

For some people, it’s the regret or second-guessing themselves. For others, it’s everything, which can lead to a very anxious life.

Whatever your version of this, it’s like an invisible burden that we carry, and it affects more than just that one situation. It actually takes a toll on your peace of mind… obviously… but also your self-worth.

This episode isn’t just for those who feel the weight of overthinking and emotional turmoil. It’s for anyone who’s ever been caught in the cycle of approval-seeking, the comparison trap, or the unconscious belief that someone else’s validation will fill their insecurities.

Today, we’re going to learn how to release the burden of overthinking and honor our feelings to rewire our energy patterns.

Our guest is Julia DiGangi. She is a neuropsychologist and clinical psychologist specializing in studying painful emotions such as anxiety, stress, fear, and anger. Coming from a lineage of psychologists, she has always been passionate about understanding emotions and how they evolve over time. Her research involves using fMRI and EEG techniques to gain insights into the brain. Julia’s work highlights the importance of emotional intelligence, authenticity, empathy, and addressing emotional pain like anxiety and exclusion.

We Will Learn

  • The connection between emotions, self-worth, and the stories we tell ourselves
  • What happens when you prioritize psychological safety but neglect the danger you may be causing yourself
  • The surprising link between your dream goals and your deepest emotions… and how harnessing this connection can unlock your true potential


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