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318: How to Use Your Pain and Most Difficult Emotions as a Doorway to Inner Freedom with Andrew Holecek

By October 17, 2023October 18th, 2023No Comments

What’s your first move when difficult emotions start to bubble up? Do you distract yourself, maybe dive into work or binge a TV show? If that sounds like you, you’re in good company; it’s a pretty common coping mechanism.

But what if those emotions are not your enemies but your guides? What if they’re not obstacles but opportunities?

If you’re intrigued, you should be. Because what we’re about to delve into could not only change your relationship with your emotions but could also offer you a path to inner freedom that you’ve never even considered.

Our guest is Andrew Holecek. He is an author, speaker, and humanitarian who offers seminars internationally on meditation, lucid dreaming, and the art of dying. He has studied sleep yoga, bardo yoga, and other traditional practices with living masters in India and Nepal. And his books include “Dreams of Light,” “Dream Yoga,” and “Reverse Meditation.”

We Will Learn

  • The surprising truth about seeking spiritual enlightenment and why it may be holding you back from true fulfillment
  • The hidden potential within anxiety so you can transform it into a healing frequency that propels you forward
  • The powerful practice of reverse meditation and how it can help you let go of ego, leading to a state of radical freedom


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