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183: The 3 Parts to Purpose

By May 25, 2021February 3rd, 2023No Comments

Do you wake up excited to contribute to the world? Do you feel super confident that what you’re doing with your life right now is a perfect fit for you AND just what the world needs?

Or do you feel overwhelmed and stressed and like just another hamster caught in the never-ending wheel.

You came here to FEEL a certain way. You came here to live your life in a way that makes you feel most alive, vibrant, and enthusiastic.

So how do we start to find our purpose in life? Do we all even have one?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Carin Rockind, positive psychology expert, powerful motivational speaker, and coach. She empowers people to pursue their dreams and bring their best selves to work and life.

We Will Learn

  • The 3 parts to purpose
  • Why your purpose is not one specific job or career
  • How to move past blocks, fears, old stories and negativity so you can always move forward


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