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Mind Body SoulMindfulnessPodcast

283: Unlock the Power of Self-Healing with Four Essential Mindfulness Techniques with Alex Elle

By February 14, 2023January 22nd, 2024No Comments

Do you believe you have the ability to heal yourself?

Whatever we’re looking to heal… back pain, migraines, cancer, or anxiety, inner peace, or a lack of purpose… our minds play a powerful part in the process.

And I know it’s easy to doubt that it’s possible, especially when we’re in the middle of it.

Because when we’re in survival mode, it’s hard to access optimism. It’s actually impossible to access anything outside of the fight or flight response.

But it is possible to train our nervous systems to come out of that response and even go into it less often.

Rather than just looking outside of yourself for a magic pill or someone to save you, you can actually develop the tools to save yourself.

So that’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Alex Elle. She is an author, certified breathwork coach, and Restorative Writing teacher. Her latest book is, “How We Heal: Uncover Your Power and Set Yourself Free.” Writing came into her life by way of therapy and the exploration of healing through journaling and mindfulness. The intention behind Alex’s work is to build community & self-care practices through literature & language.

Alex teaches workshops, courses, and retreats to assist others in finding their voices and creating clarity in their lives & relationships.

We Will Learn

  • How to tend to self-doubt and make room for new beginnings.
  • How to befriend our fear, so it no longer controls us.
  • How to reclaim our power by leaning into what feels good.


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