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364: The Massive Power of Small Shifts for Creating a Brilliant Life with Andy Cope

By September 3, 2024No Comments

Ever feel like you’re almost running on a hamster wheel, chasing happiness but never quite catching it? Like you’re stuck in a loop of monotony, waiting for some big event to finally break you out of your rut?

The truth is, many of us are sleepwalking through life, caught up in routines and habits that don’t serve us. We’re so busy doing what we think we should be doing that we forget to ask ourselves what actually makes us happy. But here’s the thing: happiness isn’t some far-off destination. It’s not something that happens to us. It’s something we create, day by day, choice by choice.

So today, we’re learning about the art of being brilliant. Our guest is Andy Cope, a happiness expert and best-selling author. Andy has spent years studying what makes people truly happy and successful. He’s not about quick fixes or empty promises. Instead, he focuses on practical, everyday strategies that can help us live more vibrant, fulfilling lives. Andy believes that we all have the potential to be brilliant – we just need to learn how to tap into it.

We Will Learn

  • The habits that could be causing you to be your own worst enemy and how to fix them.
  • Why teeny-tiny nudges can steer your life back on course in monumental ways.
  • What’s different about the mysterious 2% super achievers that just flow with life.


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