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015: Secrets of Resilience

By February 27, 2018February 2nd, 2023No Comments

Why do some people crumble in the face of adversity, while others find strength?

Today we talk to Cheryl Hunter, a two-time bestselling author and coach about resilience. While traveling abroad as a teenager, she was abducted by two criminals who held her captive, and eventually left her for dead. Be it from from trauma or just stuck in a dead-end job or relationship, learn her real-world solutions for finding freedom from the self-imposed captivity people face each day.

Learn More About Cheryl Hunter

Cheryl Hunter - Resilience Expert

Cheryl Hunter

Resilience Expert & Best-Selling Author

Cheryl Hunter is a bestselling author and resilience expert who provides commentary on news sources such as CNN, and HLN. Cheryl never set out to be an expert in resilience, but while traveling abroad as a teenager, she was abducted by two criminals who held her captive, and eventually left her for dead.

Cheryl survived this life-changing trauma, refocused her life, and used her experience to create an educational framework that empowers people to flourish through challenge and adversity. Her proprietary education has been profiled by PBS, and has helped over a quarter million people learn to be successful, self-confident, and happy, no matter what comes their way.

Forbes named Cheryl in their top four, “favorite TED speakers,” saying Cheryl has “something very important to teach about reaching your fullest potential on this planet.”

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