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Mind Body SoulPodcast

357: How to Speak Up for Yourself with the Soul Instead of the Ego with Amy Green Smith

By July 16, 2024No Comments

Every gift has a shadow, and every shadow a gift. This has been one of my biggest lessons throughout my spiritual growth. I’ve learned that the impact of our actions or words can vary dramatically based on the energy we bring to them.

Take serving others, for instance. It can spring from a sense of purpose and self-worth, or it can be rooted in people-pleasing. Same action, totally different vibe.

This duality is everywhere in our lives. Confidence can be empowering or arrogant, depending on how you use it. Ambition can drive you to reach for the stars or have you stepping on others to get there.

But is there a way to honor our truth while leaving space for others? I think there is.

It’s about finding that sweet spot between doormat and bulldozer. It’s speaking your mind without steamrolling others. It’s setting boundaries with kindness. It’s disagreeing without dismissing.

So that’s what we’re talking about today. Our guest is Amy Green Smith. She is a life coach and hypnotherapist, speaker, and communication expert. She helps people find their voice and move to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth.

We Will Learn

  • How to master the art of setting boundaries without drama
  • Why people emotionally regress and how to handle it with empathy
  • How specificity in conversation might save your relationships


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