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207: How to Talk With Kids To Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and Happiness with Ned Johnson

By November 9, 2021February 3rd, 2023No Comments

November is parents month! Whether you have your own kids or not, this month will help you understand the children in your life as well as learn to deal with your own inner child better!

Communication can be difficult with children. When they’re young, they might not comprehend enough language to grasp what you mean. And even when they do have the words, they might not be emotionally ready for the message.

Children’s brains work differently, and those brains are not fully developed until they are in their 30s. So communicating with them means meeting them where they are. We can also help them to develop their logic centers by helping them engage that part of the brain.

So that’s what we’re talking about today. Our guest is Ned Johnson. He is the founder of PrepMatters and the coauthor of “The Self-Driven Child” and a new book “What Do You Say: How to Talk With Kids To Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home.”

We Will Learn

  • Why autonomy is critical for kids and how to help them develop it
  • A 4-step process for dealing with kids emotions in a productive way
  • How to help kids develop motivation beyond reward-based activities


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