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187: Why Everybody Lies

By June 22, 2021February 3rd, 2023One Comment

Do you ever catch yourself lying? If you just said no, then you’re lying right now, because everybody lies.

We ALL lie. We just tend to justify it in some cases, and not in others – whether we lie to other people to make ourselves look good, or avoid telling someone something they don’t want to hear.

Or we lie to ourselves because we really hope this time will be different, even though we haven’t done enough of the inner work to know that for sure.

So the question is not whether we lie, but what the consequences of lying truly are.

That’s what we’re talking about today.

Our guest is Laurie Gerber. Laurie is one of the most engaging and effective life coaches and presenters in the country. She’s out to change the world, and she has a passion for coaching people who share that mission.

We Will Learn

  • The 7 types of lies we tell and their hidden consequences
  • How our lies affect our self-worth and our self-forgiveness
  • How to start cleaning up your own personal pollution


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